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MBACC Events
Annual Chamber Dinner 2 Kilton Lane, Machias, METesting the events plugin
Proposed 2019 Bus trips
Bus TripsProposed 2019 trips Here are the possible bus trips for 2019 sponsored by the Machias Chamber. We need to know which ones you might be interested in! 2019 Bus Trip Possibilities (all prices are estimates). Let us know if you wish to be placed on the “interested” list for any of these trips. We need […]
Machias Gateway Winter Weekend
In Machias To Be Announced, Machias, MEWinter Weekend - In cooperation with Downeast Coastal Conservancy and the Sunrise Trail Coalition, a special outdoor day will be held at the Chamber, on the Trail and in Middle Park. Get ready for snowshoeing, sledding, cross country skiing, hiking, a bonfire, a children's movie inside the warming hut (the train station) and more.